Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My research

I think learning more and more about the gatorade topic would be fun to research and very cool to learn about. It is just really cool how they can give you energy in the right way for sports related ways. They get the right amount of electrolytes so that you get the right results. They analyze althetes while only have water and then they analyze another group of althestes while they drink gatorade and determine which is better.

I visited these blogs

I visited Josh, Ryan, Bianca, and Mica's blog pages. I think the topic that interested me the most was Bianca's nanotube topic. It was really cool to learn about how its quicker to use nanotubes then to use a cast and how it helps rebuild bones and etc. I also enjoyed reading Ryan's because it was about changing DNA which could be very dangerous but it could also be very useful.

Monday, February 4, 2008

My Chemistry Interests!

1. Chemical reactions - Chemical reactions are cool to watch what reacts with what and to see what is made.
2. Makeup - Its cool because they have to get the right balance of colors and minerals to get the right overall color and to get the right product in the end. -
3. Medicine - They have to add the right amount of different ingredients to get the right balance of everything so that it works the right way.
4. Weapons - They have to get everything write with like chemicals and the different amounts of everything to make sure that nothing dangerous or unexpected can happen.
5. Gatorade - They have to get the right balance of all there ingredients to give the effects they want or to give "energy".

My reflection paragraph:
- I think that the gatorade is a really cool topic. They have to get the right balance of everything they are using to guarentee the results they are advertising. They try to figure out the best way to feul althetes for their best performances. They look at everything that goes into the althete and everything that comes out the althete to try to see if there are better ways to feul them with the supplies they have. Another cool topic i think is makeup. They always say that you can get less wrinkles and etc. In order to give you that they would have to have some different chemicals in it. THey have to get the right balance of those chemicals so something bad did not happen and also they have to get it right so that they have the right color and fragrance.


Thursday, December 13, 2007

Number 2.

I think that it is absolutely necessary to research about random questions because in turn it will result in many different, important discoveries. It definitely has a benefit. The benefit comes from all the invention and discoveries that have happened from random question. Some may have been for fun but there was a serious outcome that benefits us all today. I think the scientist who spend much of their lives pursuing these questions knew that there could be a serious outcome and also i think they knew that it would be a lot of fun to experiment with random things. They may have thought they were coming up with a cure for something or maybe they thought that they were going to make an explosion with two completely safe chemicals? Who knows but what these scientists figured out definitely was worth it.
I also think that experimenting "cool" things will make these scientist learn a lot more about whatever they are working with which makes them gain knowledge. Just having this certain knowledge makes it worth the time and money. The money to many of these scientists is not a factor becuase when they learn something "cool" or interesting its fun to share to others. It can also lead to a discovery that could get them a lot of money. SO in conclusion i believe that researching "cool" questions is a very useful task.

I commented on Ashley's, Corinne's, and Josh's blogs.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Honors Chemistry 5

Being part of this Honors Chemistry class has really helped me learn a lot more. It has opened up my mind to many different ways of studying and learning, etc. I really enjoy having a small class because it is easier to have one on one teaching and attention if you do not understand a concept. I think it would be completely different if there were more people in our class because I feel that there would be a lot more chaos in lab and when teaching. I do think that everyone contributes when it comes to learning in our class. I feel as if everyone in the class is very unique and adds to the classes personality. I think our Chemistry class is extremely fun and I love doing labs. All for now - over and out!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

my first snow fall

snow fall, oh snow fall. what a wonderful thing. it can give you a delay from school or even the unthinkable, a day off. my first snowfall of the year was yesterday. Unfortunately there was school and there was no delay. just another wonderful 8 am start of the day. The snow was a lot more than i thought. it was more than an inch but not to much. on my ride home yesterday my mom and i almost got stuck going up a hill and there was a car that was sliding back down but still it was snowing so everything was okay!