Monday, February 4, 2008

My Chemistry Interests!

1. Chemical reactions - Chemical reactions are cool to watch what reacts with what and to see what is made.
2. Makeup - Its cool because they have to get the right balance of colors and minerals to get the right overall color and to get the right product in the end. -
3. Medicine - They have to add the right amount of different ingredients to get the right balance of everything so that it works the right way.
4. Weapons - They have to get everything write with like chemicals and the different amounts of everything to make sure that nothing dangerous or unexpected can happen.
5. Gatorade - They have to get the right balance of all there ingredients to give the effects they want or to give "energy".

My reflection paragraph:
- I think that the gatorade is a really cool topic. They have to get the right balance of everything they are using to guarentee the results they are advertising. They try to figure out the best way to feul althetes for their best performances. They look at everything that goes into the althete and everything that comes out the althete to try to see if there are better ways to feul them with the supplies they have. Another cool topic i think is makeup. They always say that you can get less wrinkles and etc. In order to give you that they would have to have some different chemicals in it. THey have to get the right balance of those chemicals so something bad did not happen and also they have to get it right so that they have the right color and fragrance.



jaml00jaml00 said...

A lot about balancing there, which is funny because we've been learning that. It sucks when the stuff you learn in school is relevant. It's harder to blow it off.

ignore this said...

Broad range of topics but i guess in a sense most are kind of connected.